Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I know I brag about them all the time, but I absolutely love Dryden's therapists.  All of them.  They push him and push him - and it is starting to pay off.  Let me start by introducing them.

First there is his Physical Therapist Mrs. Anita (Mrs. Ne Ne)

Anita has been seeing Dryden since he was about 2 months old. She works with Dryden's gross motor skills (sitting, rolling, walking) and muscle tone/ability.  She pushes him to the max.  I love her  excitement when Dryden does something new.  She's a total rebel, animal lover, music lover and you can tell she LOVES what she does.  I kind of see myself in her.  

Next is his Occupational Therapist Mrs. Kerry

Kerry has been seeing Dryden for about 4 months now.  She works with Dryden on his fine motor skills (grabbing, reaching, picking up, dropping).  Since Dryden sees Anita and Kerry back to back, sometimes Dryden is a bit difficult to work with.  But she always keeps his favorite toy handy and sure enough - works every time!  She is so easy to talk to and always makes me laugh!  

And last, but certainly not least is his Special Instructor, Mrs. Betsy  

Betsy has been seeing Dryden since he was about 2-3 months old.  She works with Dryden on everything.  She works on his gross motor skills, fine motor skills, and everything in between.  She plays with him, sings to him, makes him laugh and makes him work without him even realizing it.  She is by far my favorite person to have come into our lives.  Not only has she been a therapist for Dryden, but for me as well.  She always has an open ear, and is always ready to help.  

Now that I've gotten through that... here is why I'm so excited.  My little man is finally getting the hang of rolling over!  I know, most of you think "whoop de do" but man have we been working on it for SO long.   He still doesn't have it totally down, but he gets it now.  He knows HOW to do it.

And that's not all either...

Dryden is starting to push up and try to scoot his little legs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Again - not quite there yet... but I wasn't expecting this for a little while longer!!!

OH!!  And there's MORE...

For the first time this week in PT... Dryden actually put weight on his legs!!!  He usually looks like a little marionette puppet.  You hold him up and he just kinda "hangs" there.  But not this week!  He was doing his little marionette pose and... all of a sudden... he pushed!!!  TWICE!!!!!!!!!!

We are about to try and get another PT on board and the Ortho and start talking about when to order his AFO's so he can start trying to weight bear some more.  Obviously it will not be in the immediate future, but just knowing it's coming makes me very excited.  And the fact that he pushed at all makes me ecstatic!

Trust me... it isn't all rainbows and sunshine.  There are days that I honestly don't know how I can go on.  There are days when I look at Dryden and I just get sad.  Knowing he will have certain limitations, as a mother, I just can't help but be sad.  But it isn't all bad either.  Without the rough times, you never learn to appreciate the good times.  All the negativity... all the pity... all the hard days... they all melt away when we have days like this.  And in the end... I love my baby boy.  I love him just the way he is.  And so does BJ... and so does Tina.

So with all that said... in the words of some dear friends of mine...